WHEN I went to the doctor's today I noticed that in the waiting room they now have music playing through speakers.

When did that happen?

I thought doctor's surgeries were the last bastion of peace. I like peace.

Aren't we supposed to all sit around pretending not to look at each other but secretly trying to diagnose what your neighbour is in for?

The music might have been introduced some time ago - I wouldn't know as I try to avoid going to the doctor's if possible.

But a girl's got to have HRT - especially in this hot weather - the hot flushes are bad enough on a normal day.

So when I was refused my repeat prescription until I'd had my blood pressure checked, I had no choice.

My own doctor was away on holiday which was a shame because I like him, he understands me.

The receptionist said the nurse could take my blood pressure and issue a prescription.

Brilliant, thought I, a quick in and out and the pills would be mine.

So why is it that once they've got you in there they want to check everything else?

First she produced the scales and despite my protestation that I'd just returned from two weeks in Greece she wasn't having any of it.

"You've put a bit on," she tells me.

Yes, my trousers would concur.

But hey, I've not got back on the diet yet, it's all under control.

Then she asked me how much I drink.

Well it varies you know, I say.

I try not to drink during the week, but then my job is really stressful so sometimes, if I've had a bad day, I need a drink, and then obviously weekends, well everyone has to drink at weekends, don't they? I think it's probably obligatory.

So she estimated the units - well maths never was my strong point.

Then she said that as my last cholesterol test was 12 months ago and as it was a bit higher than it should be, I'd need another one.

She also asked me if I exercised.

Yes said I, well I do have a gym membership. OK, I've not been for a while, but it's all in hand, I just need to get back into it. It's a bit hot to go to the gym anyway.

Then she took my blood pressure.

Well after all that, what did she expect? So it was on the high side of normal - that's the stressful job then.

She didn't seem impressed with my excuses, nor sympathetic to my stress, but I got the prescription.

Perhaps that's why they've started playing music, to lull you into a false sense of security before giving you the works then letting you know that you're falling to pieces.

So I've decided to come straight home rather than go to the gym - a nice cup of tea to calm my nerves is what I need and perhaps a Jaffa Cake wouldn't go amiss!