KATE McCarthy- Booth is an entrepreneur, mum, wife, volunteer and charity chairperson.

She is also an award-winner!

Kate picked up the honour of Contribution to the Community - sponsored by Sellafield - at the Warrington Guardian Inspiration Awards 2024.

Highly commended in this category were Tony Dixon and Longford Neighbourhood Services Centre Charity.

The 50-year-old, who lives in Croft with her husband and two sons and has a history of supporting charities and not for profit organisations to deliver their goals, picked up our Contribution to the Community Award last Thursday evening.

The nomination for Kate said: “Kate is passionate about helping people around her to flourish and finding a way to assist charities to think like a business so that they can continue on their mission.

“She truly believes in the power of community to transform lives and her greatest skill is in creating a community vision and inspiring other people to support and follow her vision thus achieving her end goals.”

Contribution to the Community Award winner Kate McCarthy-Booth with Leanne Campbell and Ian Wood, general counsel at Sellafield Ltd

Contribution to the Community Award winner Kate McCarthy-Booth with Leanne Campbell and Ian Wood, general counsel at Sellafield Ltd

Kate has established the Sunflower Café, which is used as the home of the Ukrainian Family Hub and also a community café which offers sessions for mums and toddlers, a memory café, OAP bingo sessions, a grief café and menopause support.

The nomination went on: “The team has renewed energy, vigour and training thanks to Kate.

“They describe her as the undercover boss.

“She works the evenings and events on bar shifts and there is nothing she won’t do.

Kate’s first venture into community work was 10 years ago she first got involved in the JUMP charity raising a significant amount of money and re-branding it, helped it with a more sustainable way of funding and marketing and now supports when they need her.

Contribution to the Community Award winner Kate McCarthy-Booth

Contribution to the Community Award winner Kate McCarthy-Booth

Kate said: “There are a lot of people who I have worked with throughout the last 10 to 12 years.

“Without the volunteers and the people who give up their time, nothing happens.

“This award is for all of the volunteers who made things happen!”